AmaranthineReborn Wiki
2011-12-17 00001

Sekisvamp is the swamp-like area outside Boonville, where Greth has laid claim. Staunchly abiding the ancient warrior tradition he and his kind set long before the Calamity, Greth has planned to use this area as base for worship of the War God, Sekheimos.



Before the Calamity, during the Lineage era, Boonville prospered quite heavily due to the worship of Sekheimos by the very affluent Von Boon family. Thus Boonville became the centralized area for worhsip of the war-deity. Many of Sekheimos' followers, however, were of a different breed than the Von Boons and the people of Boonville, thus they settled themselves in the wild swamps just outside town. These people were a bit more primitive, though by personal choice, and also had a harsher form of tongue than the more eloquent people in town. The area became settled and known as Sekisvamp, and it's people became the known as Battlebound. They were not savage war-mongers, but believed that man's boiling blood called for the glory of battle, and that to die by the fist, axe, or sword, was the greatest honor to their chosen god, Sekheimos.

Though most of the natural life in this area was left unpeturbed, small cottages, huts, and the like sprang up around the area. Notably, there was a meadhall called the Heimholl, where the locals would gather every morning for their daily commune and Sekheimos worship, and then nightly for song, drink, dance, and brawling.


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During one morning commune, a local known as Ornolf the Mighty stood up to question the god Sekheimos himself, not out of anger or respite, but curiosity. A show of power was called, and Sekheimos, amused, appeared before his people, and asked Ornolf to show him the mightiest cleave of his axe that he could. Ornolf having accepted, not arrogant, but truly one of the Battlebound of his day, managed to walk outside and cleave his own cottage in half with a single strike. The Battlebound who gathered cheered ferociously for their brethren, for was this not a worthy display for their mighty lord? Sekheimos, apparently underwhelmed, proceeded to bring his own axe down upon the ground and cleave a great ravine right through Sekisvamp, to which the Battlebound hoorah'd even more loudly than before. Never again was the deity asked for a show of strength. Rather than displeased at his people's curiosity, he commended them for having the courage to question a god, and made Ornolf the leader of all Battlebound. Sekheimos then gave Ornolf his mighty axe, to which Ornolf used until his death. As tribute, Ornolf was laid to rest somewhere at the bottom of the ravine, known as Ravignokk, and the axe was buried with him. Many Battlebound tried to claim this axe for many years later by climbing down Ravignokk and finding this tomb, but most all perished by falling to the bottom, or simple starvation for ravenously searching for such a treasure.


After the Calamity, much of the cottages and huts once habited by the Battlebound were simply no more. Sekisvamp once again became nothing more than wild marsh. It was said though, that even though Sekheimos decided to leave Amaranthine, his influence could still be felt in the Aether from the great scar in the swamp, Ravignokk. It was perhaps this small tear in the grand scheme that caused one of the Battlebound warriors from just before the Calamity, Greth, to return to his home in the current age. The reasons for him, specifically, being chosen are unclear, however, it should be noted that Greth does come from the lineage of Ornolf himself, the first great Battlebound chieftain.

Immediately upon remembering his home, Greth returned to the swamp to try and rebuild the Battlebound to their former glory, and by default, repopulate the area once more. Heimholl returned by hard work from the ashes of time, beckoning those with true warrior's blood to pray for the return of the war god.
